Today -  I'm gonna tell you why we thrive! 

Hey everyone, Rich Dallas Berkshire Hathaway the Dallas Fincham team and on today's episode of Q and A Sunday, I'm gonna talk about why we thrive. Now. I say thrive. And I emphasize that because I'm talking about T H R I V E independently of just that word, because those are our core values here at the Dallas Fincham team. And somebody else asked me recently, you know, what are our core values at our team? And so I wanted to go over with them for everyone to know what do each one of those mean to us as a team, trust is all about reliability. People need to be able to rely on you. And that is important in our industry. Honesty. That's always telling the truth. It goes back to that first one, you gotta be able to tell the truth in what you're doing now, respect that is all about treating others, how you want to be treated, not only as professionals from one another agent to agent, but to the client, to our team, to everybody around us. 

You just need to have respect, integrity that one's easy. That's doing exactly what you say you're going to do. When you say you're going to do it. Also doing what you want to do when no one's watching or what you're supposed to do, it's called doing the right thing. That's what integrity is all about. Now- Value, value for us is providing growth and opportunities for our team and our clients. That's what we want for everyone. And then education that is always learning. So we actually categorize education and training in the same one, but there's no T at the end of thrive. So we can't put 'em both in there. So it's education training, always wanting to learn. So if you have you feel like you're an agent and you might fit that quality of person that we're looking for. We'd love to talk to you about joining the team. If you're a client and you think that you might mesh well with us as people, and you would like us to help you sell or buy, invest any of those things, please reach out to me. My number (412) 965 - 6387, or reach out to someone on the team. And we would love to talk to you a little bit more about any of your real estate needs. Have a great day, take care.